Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You Can Tell...

When I'm having a bad month.
By the number of blogs I post in that month.
July? Bad Month.
August? NONE.
November? SIX, So Far...
So Yeah, I've had a bit of a bad month so far. lol.

It's funny, tho. =]]

Friday, November 21, 2008

Simply Spineless.

Who'da Thunk!?
Here's why...
"i dont have a spine, so i'm always a damn pushover, and then when im not, i get freaking angry at myself, and then i feel horrible. and when i say exactly what i want to say to someone, i start to feel bad because i may have hurt their feelings, and i hate hurting people's feelings.im too nice to people, and its going to be the death of me."

So yeah. I'm too nice. I'm spineless. Not because I won't say what i think to people, but because I say it, and then I can't stand behind it because i feel bad for saying it. Simply Spineless.

How To Lose Friends and Alienate People with all the He Said She Said... Part Deux

He Said:
Well Glad you have toldme whats on your mind. I do apologies for what I put you threw even though I was oblivious of doing it. Your right I don't know you not anymore. Sorry for all I have done. But like I said I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone. Not my worst enamy not anyone. Yes not even Hunter. Yea I was a little upset so possible the little school yard punk came out. The pain of having to sit in an oxygen chamber for two hours twice a day not able to move not able to breath well or anything is something that I hated doing and I'm glad I'm done with it. No you may wish things on people bt that changes once it actually happens to you. I'm sorry you feel like my life should be ruined. and if I hurt you I am really sorry. I just think Hunter steped a little over the limit if its true but your right I shouldn't base things off of what other people say. You shouldn't apologies for your thoughts and opinions. Respect is hrd to gain and easy to lose. so yea once again sorry for all I've done may have done and what I will do in the future.

She Said:
honestly dude,dont waste your breath.im sure it'll take the rest of forever for me to even consider forgiving you for what you did. i dont care how much you apologize, its not going to change anything.to be honest, im not even gonna think about talking to you or anything, you're really not worth it. like ive told a few other people, i really cant stand the sight of you anymore for what you did and the way you handled it. so please, no, scratch the please, just dont talk to me.i deserve better friends than what you have been.oh yeah, while im telling you things, i may as well say this:YOU'RE the reason i started smoking a while back.i felt like such crap because you didnt like ME, someone offered it to me, said it would make me feel better, and i took it.there.you know now.and im done.dont bother answering.i dont really want to hear it.

Personally, seeing as how I said it, I think it's justifiable.
Tell me what you think! =]]

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Am Woman, Hear Me...Bitch?

Haha. Okay, i know the title is somewhat original.
But i digres...
You know how most men say women can hold on to things forever, if they so chose?
well, it's true.
For Shizz.

thats all i had to say.

thanks bestest buddy. =]]]]]

How To Lose Friends and Alienate People with all the He Said She Said...

He Said:
Karma huh. I just wanted to let you know if you really said that than you really need a reality check. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I can get the images outta my head of the dog. I just wanted you to know that if you did say what I heard that you said. It is really childish that you would say somethg like this. And I'm righting to you. But I'm gonna kick Hunters ASS if he said what I heard that he said. Noone talks about my girl. So yea I WILL find out. And if I do I'm gonna rip him to pieces. He wants tomess with me well I will make him wish that he would have been bittin than talk behind MY back. I thought you where a better person than this. I hope I heard wrong. If not than, You've lost all respect. And Hunter WILL pay for what he said.

She Said (She being Me):
ok, you dont want people talking behind your back, then fine.i lost respect for you a LONG time ago.wanna know why?you said things about me, TO ME, that you KNEW werent true.you did things that no friend should doand honestly, i did say it.and i dont carebecause after what you did to me, i do think you deserved it.you dont even know what you did, do you?well, i'll enlighten you."you just keep saying "i cant stop i cant stop" YES YOU CAN. all you have to do is say i quit! hes stupid and not worth it! he doesnt deserve you! why would you LOWER yourself to that level! give up on him, hes a stupid jackass and just STOP before you get yourself hurt and end up like ME! im too damn scared to do anything! im scared because some jackass came along, i fell for him, i got hurt so bad that now i feel like im not good enough because he moved on to someone, who, because of the way he talks about her, is ten times better than i will ever be. do you know why? he said things that made me feel like that. he did things to make me think about myself as crap."there.i said it.and i feel better about it.i dont really think what i had in mind for karma was getting attacked by a dog.maybe just brittany doing the same thing to you that you did to me.the dog just came first.and if you want to know where that came from, its something i told britany when i was trying to stop her from chasing after matthew, because she was doing the exact same thing i did with you.and i didnt want her to fall into the same damn trap i didbecause it took me somewhere i never want to go ever again.ever.if you never talk to me again, its whatever. at least you know now what you did, and i hope you think about it, and it bothers you for the rest of your life.honestly, i dont know how you found out, nor do i care.im not so childish as to think "ohhh, i'll get them if its the last thing that i do"think about it, we're almost adults, and i think we should handle things as such. im not going to apologize for what ive said in the past, or what ive said now. its what i think, brutally honestly, and im tired of being told to apologize for my opinions. as to what hunter may have said, i dont know what you heard. nor do i care, but instead of jumping to conclusions about what you heard from somebody, i would go ask him about it in a civilized manner. like i said, i dont know what you heard, and in no way am i defending him (he honestly gets on my nerves...), but im just saying that you shouldnt be like "oh, im gonna kick his ass" just because of something you heard. its not exactly good to do. i mean honestly, do you hear how stupid you sound? "But I'm gonna kick Hunters ASS if he said what I heard that he said. Noone talks about my girl. So yea I WILL find out. And if I do I'm gonna rip him to pieces. He wants tomess with me well I will make him wish that he would have been bittin than talk behind MY back." you may think you sound all big and bad, but you honestly dont. you sound like a twelve year old. not even twelve. more like nine. you sound like a nine year old little boy in the school yard.you say "I thought you where a better person than this." honestly, you dont know me at all.you proved that you didnt know me when you said the things you did about me. i know it was a long time ago, but you must remember, im a woman, i can hold on to things forever, and use them against you at any given moment.But I digress...for you to even say you know me at all is such an insult. you may think you know me, but you dont have a clue. i honestly think that it would be better for both of us to not even speak to each other anymore, seeing as how we obviously dont have respect for each other anymore.when you think you want to be friends again, come find me.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What the Heck?

I feel helpless.
one of my best friends is going through something, and i dont know how to help her. i hate not being able to help someone, and this is, like, the extreme! she loves one guy, she likes the another. to me, they are both REALLY annoying, but anyway...
she dated the first one (Here comes Bob again... same guy... different heart to break...) a WHILE ago. but he was a butt head and broke up with her...
stupid bob. i should have beat him up.
and then there is george. completely new guy. she dated him twice, both times not for very long.
the problem is...
shes still in love with Bob, but she really likes George, but George has pretty much confessed his undying love for her.
crazy, right?
i thought so too. this has been going on for about, oh.. say.. three days now. and i just feel like such a bad friend because i dont even know what to tell her to do. i dont know how to help.
and it doesnt help that I used to like Bob. yeah, i gave up on Bob. he's a heart-breaking jackass, who really doesnt deserve my friend because he's such a douche. she deserves alot better, and i really think that George is offering something more like what she deserves. (of course, i still think george is annoying. but thats not my place.)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


i sure know how to pick them, dont i?
as soon as i start to actually fall for someone, i find out that they like somebody else and that i dont have a snowball's chance in hell with them. then i get all depressed and i start feeling like crap again. it sucks. every person i have fallen for has just turned me down in one way or another, and do you know what i do? I COME BACK FOR MORE. i let myself get this way, and then i pay for it in the end. i cant take no for an answer once, but i can do it more than once. i just dont know when to quit. i cannot and will not take no for an answer. and that mentality keeps getting me hurt.
my friends keep telling me that you'll find the right person, you'll find the right person, and all this bullshit. no i wont. i probably already HAVE found the right person, but its never gonna happen, because when we dated, i got scared and chickened out on him. since then its been all down hill from there. i just keep falling for jerk after jerk after jerk and im sick of it. but i just cant stop. i keep picking assholes, and its probably never gonna stop. the only one that wasnt an asshole probably thinks i am because i chickened out and got scared for no damn reason! what is my goddamn problem?