The Adventures of Katie and Carter.
So, for those of my avid readers who don't know, I'm dating the greatest guy on the friggin' planet. Carter Heptinstall (future husband?, pre-fiancee? hahaha. I love that word) is friggin' awesome. He's so sweet, and funny as all get out, and he's actually not an asshole! YAAAAAY!
So yeah, I'm happy, and I've never been happier. And honestly, there isn't a thing that anyone in the world can do to stop it. We go together like Oreo's and Milk. Like two peas in a pod, we're stuck together. And, I mean, it's crazy! We have seriously only been dating for almost two months, and we already know we're gonna be together for the rest of forever. =] And, for the first time in my short little life, I can honestly say that I have absolutely no problem with that.
So, to you: I love you with everything I've got, and then some, and forever never sounded so good. <3 Ily CarterBoo. :D