Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Overworked and Underpaid.

i hate feeling this overworked and i hate having to stay up til ungodly hours just to keep up with all the dang work. and thats another thing. im getting sick and tired of people telling me "if i can do it, so can you" because im not anybody else, i dont function like anyone else. so if you could do it it doesnt mean that i can. i am a completely different individual and i work in completely different ways than most people, so i dont see why if someone else can do it, why i can. i have different work habits, i study differently, i learn differently. i am soooooo ocd about what i do and it gets me so mad that people tell me "you can do it because i did it"
i mean, how stupid is that statement? "You can do it, I mean, I did it". C'mon, lets get real. im sick of it. just because you did something doesnt mean i can too. not eveyone is made the same way, we cant all do the same things you do. it just makes me sooooooo mad when people tell me that. i cant always do what you can. thats why i ask you for help.
i am just so sick and tired of being tired and feeling overworked and always feeling like im on the verge of crying because i cant finish anything because i dont have the time. i dont have a life anymore b/c im always doing school work. im sick of it. i want out of one of my AP classes b/c i really cant take the work load. i am NOT capable of it, no matter what anybody says. i always like to have my work in on time, but i have had so much of it lately that i cant handle it anymore. i mean, i can sit on my butt for five minutes and have three nights of homework to do. i know i signed up for this, but idk if i can take it anymore.

1 comment:

Britany said...

Kaytayyyyy! Hugs!! Big BIG B I G HUGS!!! I completely understand how you are feeling right now!!! I am doing the same thing you are... Idk about Psych. I saw we talk to Farrow about our grade... If its bad, get out!!! Get out, I would rather deal with Adrian everyday! There is absolutely no reason to fail a class you don't even have to take! I'm with you on this one...