Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can I finally say this?

I think I can....
To You,
I hate you. It's as simple as that. I'm tired of playing nice. I'm tired of acting like I still like you and respect you. I really don't. I'm the basket case I am today because of my actions, yes, but they were influenced by you. I hate you for what you made me do. I hate you for who I've become. I hate you for the choices I've made. I may say I've forgiven you, but I don't think I ever can. You've hurt me too much. I can't stand who I am anymore. And it's all your fault. You made me feel the way I do. You've caused me all the problems I've had of late. I'm not sorry for saying this. I'm just glad that I can finally vocalize it after how long now? Too long. You were once my best friend. Didn't that mean something to you? I was wrong to assume it did. It was wrong of me to assume that you actually cared about me. I have been right in assuming that you are a complete asshole. I don't care that you'll never see this. I don't care that the only people who are going to read this are Britany, Rachy, and Liam (and Idk about him...), what I do care about is that I am finally strong enough to say to you what I've wanted to say to you for so long. I don't care if we never speak again. I really don't. I'm long past caring. Had none of this happened, had you not jumped to conclusions, had I not cared as much as I did, we would probably still be best friends right now. But we're not. At one time, the strained cordialness between us would have bothered me. Now I prefer we not talk at all. Things seem to work better that way. I'm not going to say goodbye, because it's not even worth it. What I will say is that I hate you, and I'm not sorry for it. This is an ending. A closing to a chapter of my life that has been past due to end. Now that it's finally closed, there is no going back, and I'm glad. I've finally and completely moved on after over a year. Good riddance is all I really have to say.

1 comment:

Britany said...

I hate to point this out to you Katieboo... its been like two years. Really! This was long overdue and I am SOOO happy to hear it! Now I don't have to be nice to him either. He's no longer my sparkly drum major assistant. I am in power alone! [at least i hope!!] :D