Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dumbass Ignorant People...

Love is love. Okay? It SHOULDN'T matter who it's between: two guys, two girls, two white people, a black and a white person, a Chinese and a Mexican...IT SHOULDN'T MATTER. Unfortunately, it does. But why? What is so wrong with interracial or gay/lesbian couples? NOTHING. Honestly, nothing is wrong with them. Someone once told me "You can't control who you fall in love with." I may be young, and some people out there may think I'm stupid, and I don't care if you do, but that makes a helluva lot of sense to me. I mean, love is love no matter how you look at it, dammit. Who says you can't love a black man if you're a white woman? (Not including Michael Jackson...It's just creepy. :D I thought I'd throw a joke in.) Who says you can't love another man if you're gay, or another woman if you're a lesbian? WHO SAYS? Nobody says. Just some stupid, ignorant people who have some idiotic supremest idea that love has rules. Love doesn't have rules. You can't pick and choose who you love. It doesn't work that way, guys. You just have to let it happen. Go with the flow. Don't stress. Love is a risk, but some people out there are making others take more risks than are necessary to find the one that they love. Don't be that guy. Okay? Don't be the one that makes things harder than they should be. Let people love who they want to love. Don't give them issues. Just let it go. It's their choice to make, and if you really care about someone, you should support their decisions. I have gay/lesbian friends. I have white friends that love black people. I have black friends that love white people. It doesn't matter what the color is, or the gender. What matters is the love. I support my friends b/c they love someone. I support love, no matter what it looks like. Appearances don't matter. Never judge a book by its cover. It might just be something you like.


Britany said...

YAY!!! I inspired another blog. Go me! I guess this would mean yes, you do support me :D

Patrick said...

i completelt agree with you there. We have our morals, but should not impose them upon someone else...