Sunday, July 5, 2009

F-A-I-L. My Favorite 4-Letter "F" Word...

Why did I title this "Fail"?
Because. I'm sick of everything right about now.
My boyfriend complains about my best friend being a bitch.
My best friend complains about how I spend too much time with my boyfriend.
She also complains about my band.
I'm not sure I can handle being in this band.
We never do anything, and when we DO finally do something, it sounds awful b/c we can't all go the same speed. That drives me nuts.
I've got too much drama around me.
I'm tired of it.
I need an escape.
This whole situation deserves my favorite 4-letter "F" word....

1 comment:

Britany said...

You are never here for band practice because your parents lock you up so IDK why you are really worried about that. I'm over complaining about you spending too much time with Carter. IDK where this is even coming from. And Carter needs to tell me that himself.